Config4GNU: WBEM Initiative

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The Config4GNU WBEM providers depend on OpenWBEM and Owperlprovider. Follow these instructions for setting those up.

Source Code

You can download the latest versions here:

Installing the WBEM Provders

There are two steps needed to install Config4GNU's WBEM providers. First, install the Perl scripts to the proper location. The standard make install command should be able to do this. Second, import the provided schema files into the CIMOM repository using the owmofc command. These steps are detailed below:

  1. Download the latest version of config4gnu-wbem. This tarball contains the provider scripts and schema files.
  2. Untar: tar xzf config4gnu-wbem-latest.tar.gz
  3. Do standard ./configure, make and make install.
  4. Import the MOF files into the CIMOM repository:
    cd nagios
    owmofc Nagios.mof
    cd ../samba
    owmofc Samba.mof
    At each owmofc command you will be prompted for your CIMOM username and password.

If you had the CIMOM running before installing the Perl provider interface, you will need to stop and restart the CIMOM before being able to use the new providers.

You can check if the providers are working by running

owexecwql https://localhost/cimom root/cimv2 'select * from cim_service'
If you get some data back, the providers should be working.

Installing CIMBrowser

Since CIMBrowser links against OpenWBEM's libraries, it needs the same flags that OpenWBEM needed. Keep this in mind if you encounter problems.

  1. Download cimbrowser.tar.gz.
  2. Untar: tar xzf cimbrowser-latest.tar.gz
  3. If on Redhat 9, set the CPPFLAGS environment variable so that the compile can find the Kerberos libraries:
    export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include
  4. Do standard ./configure, make and make install.

Last updated: 2004-06-09