Week Two - Random Questions and Answers

All questions, in random order

Matthew 6:16-9

Week Two
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at jl1192@messiah.edu .
Page last updated: Thu 20 Jan 2000

When will your whole body be full of light?
When your eyes are good (Mt 6:22)
What thoughts did the teachers of the law entertain in their hearts?
Evil thoughts (Mt 9:4)
What road leads to destruction?
The broad road (Mt 7:13)
How long had a woman been subject to bleeding?
Twelve years (Mt 9:20)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Save us! We're going to drown!"
The disciples said it to Jesus (Mt 8:25)
Under what did the centurion not deserve to have Jesus come?
His roof (Mt 8:8)
If your son asks for bread, what will you not give him?
A stone (Mt 7:9)
To where do the wide gate and the broad road lead?
Destruction (Mt 7:13)
To where do the small gate and narrow road lead?
Life (Mt 7:14)
When were many demon-possessed brought to Jesus?
When evening came (Mt 8:16)
What do thieves break in and steal?
Treasures on earth (Mt 6:19)
With whom will many come and take their place at the feast in the kingdom of heaven?
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Mt 8:11)
Situation Question: Who said this, to whom and when? "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"
The Pharisees said it, to Jesus' disciples, when they saw him eating with tax collectors and "sinners" (Mt 9:11)
What happened when Jesus reached out and touched the man with leprosy?
The man was cured of his leprosy (Mt 8:3)
When Jesus saw the crowd around him, what orders did he give?
Cross to the other side of the lake (Mt 8:18)
Into what does no one pour new wine?
Old wineskins (Mt 9:17)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "How is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?"
John's disciples said it to Jesus (Mt 9:14)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs."
The two demon-possessed men said it to Jesus (Mt 8:31)
What do hypocrites disfigure to show others they are fasting?
Their faces (Mt 6:16)
Whose disciples did not fast?
Jesus' (Mt 9:14)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "What do you want with us, Son of God? Have you come to torture us?"
Two demon-possessed men said it to Jesus (Mt 8:29)
Inwardly, the false prophets are what?
Ferocious wolves (Mt 7:15)
Who were harassed and helpless?
The crowds (Mt 9:36)
Than what is the body more important?
Clothes (Mt 6:25)
What do the birds of the air have?
Nests (Mt 8:20)
What was Jesus doing when a furious storm came up on the lake?
He was sleeping (Mt 8:24)
Who did Jesus hear that he was astonished and said, "I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith"?
The centurion (Mt 8:10)
With what will it be measured to you?
The measure you use (Mt 7:2)
When did a centurion come to Jesus, asking for help?
When Jesus entered Capernaum (Mt 8:5)
Situation Question: Who said this and about whom? "It is by the prince of demons that he drives out demons."
The Pharisees said it about Jesus (Mt 9:34)
When did the blind men come to Jesus?
When Jesus had gone indoors (Mt 9:28)
Where is it written: "He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases"?
Isaiah (Mt 8:17)
What orders did Jesus give when he saw the crowd around him?
Cross to the other side of the lake (Mt 8:18)
What do the lilies of the field not do?
Labor or spin (Mt 6:28)
Everyone who hears Jesus' words and puts them into practice is like whom?
A wise man who built his house on the rock (Mt 7:24)
What should you do to others?
What you would have them do to you (Mt 7:12)
Who is like the wise man who built his house on the rock?
Everyone who hears Jesus' words and puts them into practice (Mt 7:24)
Who disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting?
The hypocrites (Mt 6:16)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "My servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering."
A centurion said it to Jesus (Mt 8:6)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven."
Jesus said it to the paralytic (Mt 9:2)
When you fast, what should you wash?
Your face (Mt 6:17)
What had healed the woman who had been subject to bleeding?
Her faith (Mt 9:22)
Who do not sow or reap or store away in barns?
The birds of the air (Mt 6:26)
When did Jesus give orders to cross to the other side of the lake?
When he saw the crowd around him (Mt 8:18)
About what should you not worry?
Your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear (Mt 6:25)
Whom should we ask to send out workers into the harvest field?
The Lord of the harvest (Mt 9:38)
Who rebuked the winds and the waves?
Jesus (Mt 8:26)
What should we not say by worrying?
"What shall we eat?" and "What shall we drink?" and "What shall we wear?" (Mt 6:31)
When will all the things we worry about be given to us?
When we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Mt 6:33)
If your son asks for a fish, what will you not give him?
A snake (Mt 7:10)
Who has no place to lay his head?
The Son of Man (Mt 8:20)
Who were so violent that no one could pass their way?
Two demon-possessed men (Mt 8:28)
On what did the foolish man build his house?
Sand (Mt 7:26)
What two things can you not serve?
God and Money (Mt 6:24)
Where did many tax collectors and "sinners" have dinner with Jesus?
At Matthew's house (Mt 9:10)
How did Jesus warn the two blind men?
Sternly (Mt 9:30)
What kind of prophets should we watch out for?
False prophets (Mt 7:15)
From where will many come and take their places at the feast?
The east and the west (Mt 8:11)
Jesus warned the blind men sternly, but what did they do?
They went out and spread the news about him all over that region (Mt 9:31)
Even what obey Jesus?
The winds and the waves (Mt 8:27)
Who knows even better than you how to give good gifts to those who ask him?
Your Father in heaven (Mt 7:11)
Than what is life more important?
Food (Mt 6:25)
What does the Son of Man have authority to forgive on earth?
Sins (Mt 9:6)
What will happen when one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment?
The patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse (Mt 9:16)
Situation Question: Who said this, to whom and on what occasion? "See that you don't tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded."
Jesus said it, to the man cured of leprosy, when he was cured of his leprosy (Mt 8:4)
What will happen if you ask?
It will be given to you (Mt 7:7)
What happened when Jesus said, "The girl is not dead but asleep"?
The crowd laughed at Jesus (Mt 9:24)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?"
Many will say it to Jesus (Mt 7:22)
Situation Question: Who said this, to whom and about whom? "This fellow is blaspheming!"
Some of the teachers of the law said it, to themselves about Jesus (Mt 9:3)
To whom will the door be opened?
Him who knocks (Mt 7:8)
What is more important than food?
Life (Mt 6:25)
What is plentiful?
The harvest (Mt 9:37)
Situation Question:Who said this and to whom? "If you are willing, you can make me clean."
A man with leprosy said it to Jesus (Mt 8:2)
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and what will be given to you as well?
All "these" things (Mt 6:33)
What was feeding some distance away from Jesus and the two demon-possessed men?
A large herd of pigs (Mt 8:30)
When Jesus arrived at the other side of the lake, who came out to meet him?
Two demon-possessed men (Mt 8:28)
When Jesus came down from the mountainside, who followed him?
Large crowds (Mt 8:1)
What can a good tree not bear?
Bad fruit (Mt 7:18)
Whose servant was lying at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering?
A centurion (Mt 8:6)
Seek first whose kingdom and righteousness?
The heavenly Father's (Mt 6:32-33)
What should you not throw to pigs?
Your pearls (Mt 7:6)
Whose daughter had just died?
A ruler's (Mt 9:18)
Both God and what can you not serve?
Money (Mt 6:24)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Have you come to torture us before the appointed time?"
Two demon-possessed men said it to Jesus (Mt 8:29)
Whom do the sick need?
A doctor (Mt 9:12)
What gift was the man with leprosy to offer?
The gift Moses commanded (Mt 8:4)
Whom can no one serve?
Two masters (Mt 6:24)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."
Jesus said it to his disciples (Mt 9:37)
What authority does the Son of Man have on earth?
The authority to forgive sins (Mt 9:6)
Who sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment?
No one (Mt 9:16)
At whose house was Jesus having dinner?
Matthew's (Mt 9:10)
Who followed Jesus into a boat?
His disciples (Mt 8:23)
When did the foolish man's house fall with a great crash?
When the rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house (Mt 7:27)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed."
A centurion said it to Jesus (Mt 8:8)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "My daughter has just died."
A ruler said it to Jesus (Mt 9:18)
Who come to us in sheep's clothing?
False prophets (Mt 7:15)
At what were the crowds amazed?
Jesus' teaching (Mt 7:28)
Who was sleeping when a furious storm came up on the lake?
Jesus (Mt 8:24)
What speck is in your brother's eye?
A speck of sawdust (Mt 7:3)
What did Peter's mother-in-law do after the fever left her?
She got up and began to wait on Jesus (Mt 8:15)
Situation Question: Who said this, to whom and when? "Lord, my servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering."
A centurion said it to Jesus when Jesus had entered Capernaum (Mt 8:6)
Who does no one pour new wine into old wineskins?
The skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined (Mt 9:17)
What can a bad tree not bear?
Good fruit (Mt 7:18)
Like what was not even Solomon in all his splendor dressed?
One of the lilies of the field (Mt 6:29)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Take heart, daughter. Your faith has healed you."
Jesus said it to a woman who had been subject to bleeding (Mt 9:22)
Who were amazed at Jesus' teaching?
The crowds (Mt 7:28)
Whom should we ask the Lord to send out into the harvest field?
Workers (Mt 9:38)
How many blind men followed Jesus as he went on?
Two (Mt 9:27)
Who in all his splendor was not dressed like the lilies of the field?
Solomon (Mt 6:29)
Who will enter the kingdom of heaven?
He who does the will of my Father who is in heaven (Mt 7:21)
What happened when Jesus said, "Get up, take your mat and go home"?
The paralytic got up and went home (Mt 9:7)
What will happen to everyone who asks?
He will receive (Mt 7:8)
Whom did Jesus see when he entered the ruler's house?
Flute players and a noisy crowd (Mt 9:23)
Where was a large herd of pigs feeding?
Some distance away from the two demon-possessed men (Mt 8:30)
Whom has Jesus come to call?
Sinners (Mt 9:13)
When did two demon-possessed men come out from the tombs to meet Jesus?
When he arrived at the other side of the lake (Mt 8:28)
Who knelt before Jesus and said, "If you are willing, you can make me clean"?
A man with leprosy (Mt 8:2)
What does no one sew onto an old garment?
A patch of unshrunk cloth (Mt 9:16)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed."
A woman who had been subject to bleeding said it to herself (Mt 9:21)
Who said: "Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel"?
The crowd (Mt 9:33)
What happened when the crowd saw the paralytic get up and go home?
They were filled with awe, and they praised God (Mt 9:8)
Why were the crowds amazed at Jesus' teaching?
He taught as one who had authority (Mt 7:29)
Whom should we let bury the dead?
The dead (Mt 8:22)
How many years had a woman been subject to bleeding?
Twelve (Mt 9:20)
At what feast will many come from the east and the west to take the place?
The feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven (Mt 8:11)
When you fast, what should you put on your head?
Oil (Mt 6:17)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep."
Jesus said it to the flute players and the noisy crowd (Mt 9:24)
From where did two demon-possessed men come out to meet Jesus?
The tombs (Mt 8:28)
What do foxes have?
Holes (Mt 8:20)
Where did Jesus see flute players and a noisy crowd?
The ruler's house (Mt 9:23)
How did Jesus drive out spirits of those who were demon-possessed?
A word (Mt 8:16)
Whom are you much more valuable than?
The birds of the air (Mt 6:26)
To whom was the man with leprosy to go and show himself?
The priest (Mt 8:4)
Why did Jesus have compassion on the crowds?
They were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd (Mt 9:36)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would."
Jesus said it to the centurion (Mt 8:13)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Lord, first let me go and bury my father."
Another disciple said it to Jesus (Mt 8:21)
Why did the wise man's house not fall?
Its foundation was on the rock (Mt 7:25)
To where did those tending the pigs run off?
Into the town (Mt 8:33)
Who need a doctor?
The sick (Mt 9:12)
To what plank do you pay no attention?
The plank in your own eye (Mt 7:3)
Who have holes?
Foxes (Mt 8:20)
What does no one pour into old wineskins?
New wine (Mt 9:17)
What happened when Jesus took the girl by her hand?
She got up (Mt 9:25)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Get up, take your mat and go home."
Jesus said it to the paralytic (Mt 9:6)
Who cannot mourn while the bridegroom is with them?
The guests of the bridegroom (Mt 9:15)
By what will you recognize false prophets?
Their fruit (Mt 7:16)
Who will fast when the bridegroom is taken away?
The guests of the bridegroom (Mt 9:15)
What came up on the lake without warning?
A furious storm (Mt 8:24)
What has enough trouble of its own?
Each day (Mt 6:34)
The grass of the field is here today and tomorrow thrown into what?
The fire (Mt 6:30)
Who fasted?
John's disciples and the Pharisees (Mt 9:14)
Where is there a speck of sawdust?
In your brother's eye (Mt 7:3)
Where your treasure is, what will also be there?
Your heart (Mt 6:21)
Where did Jesus see Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever?
In Peter's house (Mt 8:14)
What happened when Jesus rebuked the winds and the waves?
It became completely calm (Mt 8:26)
Who will find the small gate and narrow road leading to life?
Only a few (Mt 7:14)
On what does no one sew a patch of unshrunk cloth?
An old garment (Mt 9:16)
Where is it written: "I desire mercy, not sacrifice"?
Hosea (Mt 9:13f)
Why should you not judge?
Because you too will be judged (Mt 7:1)
Where did the herd of pigs die?
In the water (Mt 8:32)
Who will worry about tomorrow?
Tomorrow (Mt 6:34)
From what directions will many come to take their places at the feast?
East and west (Mt 8:11)
What news spread through all the region?
Jesus healing the ruler's daughter (Mt 9:26)
What is the lamp of the body?
The eye (Mt 6:22)
What tree is cut down and thrown into the fire?
Every tree that does not bear good fruit (Mt 7:19)
What happens to every tree that does not bear good fruit?
It is cut down and thrown into the fire (Mt 7:19)
What gate leads to destruction?
The wide gate (Mt 7:13)
Who have nests?
Birds of the air (Mt 8:20)
What destroy treasures on earth?
Moth and rust (Mt 6:19)
What sums up the Law and the Prophets?
"Do to others what you would have them do to you" (Mt 7:12)
Why should you not store up treasures on earth?
Earth is where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal (Mt 6:19)
Where did the wise man build his house?
On the rock (Mt 7:24)
Where should you store up treasures for yourselves?
In heaven (Mt 6:20)
Who do not need a doctor?
The healthy (Mt 9:12)
When did Jesus see Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever?
When he came into Peter's house (Mt 8:14)
What will happen if you seek?
You will find (Mt 7:7)
Who was lying on a mat?
A paralytic (Mt 9:2)
What happened when Jesus touched the blind men's eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you"?
Their sight was restored (Mt 9:29)
What happened to the man who had been mute when the demon was driven out?
He spoke (Mt 9:33)
Situation Question: Who said this, to whom and when? "Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven."
Jesus said it, to the paralytic when he saw the men's faith (Mt 9:2)
Situation Question: Who said this, to whom and when? "Do you believe that I am able to do this?"
Jesus said it to two blind men when he had gone indoors (Mt 9:28)
What is here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire?
The grass of the field (Mt 6:30)
What does every good tree bear?
Good fruit (Mt 7:17)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Have mercy on us, Son of David!"
Two blind men said it to Jesus (Mt 9:27)
Who will be thrown outside where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth?
The subjects of the kingdom (Mt 8:12)
Who can serve two masters?
No one (Mt 6:24)
What happened to the foolish man's house when the rain came down?
It fell with a great crash (Mt 7:27)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "I am willing. Be clean!"
Jesus said it to a man with leprosy (Mt 8:3)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"
Jesus will say it to many (Mt 7:23)
What can you not add to your life by worrying?
A single hour (Mt 6:27)
If your eyes are bad, of what will your whole body be full?
Darkness (Mt 6:23)
When there is a speck in your brother's eye, what should you first do?
Take the plank out of your own eye (Mt 7:5)
Whom did Jesus see sitting at a tax collector's booth?
Matthew (Mt 9:9)
To whom did some men bring a paralytic?
Jesus (Mt 9:2)
Everyone who hears Jesus' words and does not put them into practice is like whom?
A foolish man who built his house on sand (Mt 7:26)
What happened when Jesus told Matthew, "Follow me"?
Matthew got up and followed Jesus (Mt 9:9)
If your eyes are good, what will be full of light?
Your whole body (Mt 6:22)
What should you not give to dogs?
What is sacred (Mt 7:6)
Where were there flute players and a noisy crowd?
The ruler's house (Mt 9:23)
Who is like a foolish man who built his house on sand?
Everyone who hears Jesus' words and does not put them into practice (Mt 7:26)
Into whom did the demon-possessed men want Jesus to send them?
The herd of pigs (Mt 8:31)
Who built his house on the rock?
A wise man (Mt 7:24)
In what way will you also be judged?
The same way you judge others (Mt 7:2)
Situation Question:Who said this and to whom? "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."
A man with leprosy said it to Jesus (Mt 8:2)
What did a woman who had been subject to bleeding touch?
The edge of Jesus' cloak (Mt 9:20)
In what region did Jesus arrive on the other side of the lake?
The region of the Gadarenes (Mt 8:28)
When you fast, why should you put oil on your head and wash your face?
So it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting (Mt 6:17-18)
Who pleaded with Jesus to leave their region?
The whole town (Mt 8:34)
Why does no one sew a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment?
The patch will pull away from the garment (Mt 9:16)
Why should you store up treasures in heaven?
Heaven is where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal (Mt 6:20)
What road leads to life?
The narrow road (Mt 7:14)
What happened when the demon-possessed men went into the pigs?
The whole herd rushed down the steep bank and into the lake and died in the water (Mt 8:32)
Who built his house on sand?
A foolish man (Mt 7:26)
Situation Question: Who said this, about whom and on what occasion? "I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith."
Jesus said it, about the centurion, when he heard what the centurion said (Mt 8:10)
Who touched the edge of Jesus' cloak?
A woman who had been subject to bleeding (Mt 9:20)
Who said: "It is by the prince of demons that he drives out demons"?
The Pharisees (Mt 9:34)
On what did the wise man build his house?
The rock (Mt 7:24)
Who taught as one who had authority?
Jesus (Mt 7:29)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?"
Jesus said it to the disciples (Mt 8:26)
Who knelt before Jesus and said, "My daughter has just died."
A ruler (Mt 9:18)
Whom did some men bring to Jesus lying on a mat?
A paralytic (Mt 9:2)
What things do the pagans run after?
"What shall we eat?" and "What shall we drink?" and "What shall we wear?" (Mt 6:31-32)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go."
A teacher of the law said it to Jesus (Mt 8:19)
Who was filled with awe when the paralytic got up and went home?
The crowd (Mt 9:8)
To whom should you do what you would have them do to you?
Others (Mt 7:12)
What did the paralytic do when Jesus said, "Get up, take your mat and go home"?
He got up and went home (Mt 9:7)
When will old wineskins burst?
When men pour new wine into them (Mt 9:17)
What do the birds of the air not do?
Sow or reap or store away in barns (Mt 6:26)
Into what do men pour new wine?
New wineskins (Mt 9:17)
When will the guests of the bridegroom fast?
When the bridegroom is taken from them (Mt 9:15)
Whom has Jesus not come to call?
The righteous (Mt 9:13)
What do moth and rust not destroy?
Treasures in heaven (Mt 6:20)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "According to your faith will it be done to you."
Jesus said it to the two blind men (Mt 9:29)
In what kind of clothing do false prophets come to us?
Sheep's clothing (Mt 7:15)
Whom did Jesus see at Peter's house, lying in bed with a fever?
Peter's mother-in-law (Mt 8:14)
What is more important than clothes?
The body (Mt 6:25)
If your eyes are bad, what will be full of darkness?
Your whole body (Mt 6:23)
What may happen if you throw pearls to pigs?
They may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces (Mt 7:6)
At what hour was the centurion's servant healed?
The very hour Jesus said, "Go...it will be done" (Mt 8:13)
Who has authority on earth to forgive sins?
The Son of Man (Mt 9:6)
Who was sitting at a tax collector's booth?
Matthew (Mt 9:9)
What gate leads to life?
The small gate (Mt 7:14)
Where will there be weeping and gnashing of teeth?
Outside, in the darkness (Mt 8:12)
Situation Question: Who said this and about whom? "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!"
The disciples said it about Jesus (Mt 8:27)
What happened when the demon was driven out of the man who could not talk?
The man spoke (Mt 9:33)
To what had a woman been subject for twelve years?
Bleeding (Mt 9:20)
Who were like sheep without a shepherd?
The crowds (Mt 9:36)
How did a furious storm come up on the lake?
Without warning (Mt 8:24)
Who could not talk?
A man who was demon-possessed (Mt 9:32)
Situation Question: Who said this and on what occasion? "Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep."
Jesus said it at the ruler's house (Mt 9:24)
When your Father sees what is done in secret, what will he do?
Reward you (Mt 6:18)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."
Jesus said it to the teacher of the law (Mt 8:20)
Who came to eat with Jesus at Matthew's house with his disciples?
Many tax collectors and "sinners" (Mt 9:10)
Situation Question: Who said this and to whom? "How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them?"
Jesus said it to John's disciples (Mt 9:15)
Who entertained evil thoughts in their hearts?
Some of the teachers of the law (Mt 9:4)
After Jesus came down from the mountainside, who came and knelt before Jesus?
A man with leprosy (Mt 8:2)
Where did some men bring to Jesus a paralytic?
Jesus' own town (Mt 9:2)
Who got into a boat and was followed by his disciples?
Jesus (Mt 8:23)
What booth was Matthew sitting at when Jesus first saw him?
A tax collector's booth (Mt 9:9)
Where should you not store up treasures?
On earth (Mt 6:19)
When you fast, like what should you not look?
Somber (Mt 6:16)
Through what gate should you enter?
The narrow gate (Mt 7:13)
Why should you first take the plank out of your own eye before removing the speck in your brother's eye?
To see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye (Mt 7:5)
Situation Question: Who said this, to whom and on what occasion? "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!"
The disciples said it to Jesus when a furious storm came over their boat (Mt 8:25)
Who do not labor or spin?
The lilies of the field (Mt 6:28)
After the two blind men were healed, who was brought to Jesus?
A man who was demon-possessed, and could not talk (Mt 9:32)
Why can no one serve two masters?
Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other (Mt 6:24)
When did the fever leave Peter's mother-in-law?
When Jesus touched her hand (Mt 8:15)

Week Two
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at jl1192@messiah.edu .
Page last updated: Thu 20 Jan 2000